Friday 4 July 2014

Whats Inside of me...and inside of you... 5 Ways to improve your self confidence

I know what your going to say "blood and guts" 
But that's not what I'm talking about. I was asked today to look at myself in the mirror and name 50 things i loved about myself... 
Well it was very hard but i got there after i realized that the question was a trick. In order to recognize the things i love about myself or what we love in other people for that matter we shouldn't be looking on the outside but whats on the inside of us. 

Our hopes, our dreams and our cute laughs!

I'm no expert but here are 5 ways to improve your self confidence....

  1.  Stop Judging yourself next to others...
Putting yourself down because a friend is skinnier or you think she prettier is just silly beauty is in the eye of the beholder and weight isn't everything i know so many stunning curvy ladies as well as some stunning slender ladies and just because someone else is beautiful does not take away from the fact that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL TOO!

    2.    Smile more...

I know it may seem silly but the action of smiling will make you feel more content in your skin and also create a happier aura around you.

    3.   Take the time to do your make up and hair everyday...

In saying this i am not saying you need to do this to be beautiful no not at all, pampering yourself just that little bit will boost your confidence tenfold.

   4.    Wear what makes you feel good!

Its amazing how much a great fitting dress or your favourite pair of jeans can boost your confidence :)

   5.    The pep talk..

Have you every spoken to yourself whilst checking yourself in the mirror.. well you should commenting on your own "sexy" physique will do you wonders and maybe make you giggle 

well that's my 5 ways to boost your confidence

bye for now x

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