Hello my Lovelies,
I think I may have left the fashionably late thing abit too long but I am back!
I have lots of news to tell you firstly I am now a working woman again.... WOO!
I work 5 days a week at a roofing manufacturer as their receptionist / administrator which I am loving, It is so challenging and rewarding I don't mind the early starts as I get to come into a wonderful workspace.
Secondly I have been buying off eBay a lot lately and I am thinking of doing a regular post about what I buy and reviewing the items I receive. Some of the items I buy are knock offs of the name brands but I will be comparing them in value and by quality as well as overall price which should be fun :)
Thirdly I am in search of a new laptop for my blogging as I no longer have my old one, I don't need anything flash just something simple that does the job so any suggestions would be amazingly appreciated. Oh, I almost forgot I got a haircut not long ago and now have a sassy hair do to go with my glowing personality haha, let's see how many people want to see my new hair :)
And lastly I just wanted to say I missed you all heaps and I will not be away so long next time <3
Bye for now